5D Guide


Welcome to your 5D Guide…This blog was created to assist people during this ascension period. We are going through so many changes. The world is literally changing before our eyes. This guide is to help you cope and learn to maneuver and navigate during these times. It really is a beautiful time, it’s amazing to be alive during this event. And to be able to contribute. We all get to build the new world together. But, it does come with many discomforts. You may feel “lost” and don’t know where to turn. You may be experiencing ascension symptoms. We are being pushed to grow. This is the time to re-evaluate your life and reset your priorities. To figure out how you want to live your life and where you want to put your attention. You may start to see the world, your life and everyone around you, from a different perspective. That is what this is all about. Growing and ascending to the new world. Congratulations, you made it here!

Love is the New Way

The world is changing and I’m here to tell you that love is the new way. It’s the way home. We have lived in this world for so long. Ever since we were little, we have learned that “only the strong survive”, putting us against each other. Causing division, competition. We have been bred to be too busy to think for ourselves and find our own identity.

Love is the new way. We are coming into new information now as the world changes. There is much to learn and this is just the beginning. We have to learn to lead with Love. More than ever before, we have to be more aware of our thoughts and emotions.

Love is not just found in romance or the love for a child or a parent. It’s far more than that. Love is found everywhere. It is the root of all creation. It’s interwoven into the fabric of existence. Now, if we want to move around in this world and “walk among the realms”, we must do so with Love. By love, with love and through love. Love must be the underlining feeling that you have. And with the purest of intention in order to participate as a creator in this world. Because love is part of every piece of the puzzle. You must coat your hands with love before creating your reality, before attempting to co-create the world. It may not be easy to always feel in-love with the world, or to always forgive and feel compassion for people. But it is the only way. It can take an entire lifetime to get to this point, but it is worth it. Because you will be doing the work of God, our creator.  

Start with Joy

Start your day with joy and let the rest of the day form itself. It is as easy as turning on a switch. As soon as you wake up, decide to be in a state of joy. This is a lot easier than you think, for your soul’s natural state is to be in joy. You are just returning to your true natural self. You decide to be in a state of peace with everything, and just enjoy. Enjoy how rested you feel; the air that you are breathing; the people that are around you. I understand that it might be though for you at times. You have worries, perhaps discomforts or pain, or other worldly issues. But remember that you can always turn it around. No matter what it is, it really is just making a conscience decision. What is more important to you? What will you give precedence to? You are the most important to yourself. You must take care of yourself before being capable of doing anything else. And setting your state of mind will transform the rest of your world. When you feel good inside, all of a sudden, your worries don’t seem quiet as important. There’s also something really special that happens when switching into joy. That’s because you start operating with your heart rather than your head. And this is where the magic happens. When you connect to your heart, you also connect to the God particle inside of you. And this can give you the answers that you’ve been seeking. It can give you inspiration. It can also be healing. Whatever it is that you have been trying to achieve will be much easier from this state. When you have God on your side, you can do anything! Try it. It’s a challenge!

What are you Creating?

I’m sure you have heard of manifesting your own reality. Yes, you can consciously create a beautiful life for yourself, with intention and consistency. But, what you might not be aware of, is that you are creating your life right now. Everything that you see around. You created that. This may be hard to understand because perhaps your life is not what you wish it to be at this point. And it may be hard to believe that you have created the circumstances that you are currently in. When you don’t take the time to consciously hold the intention of what you want to create for yourself, your subconscious will do it for you. So, what are you paying attention to? What kinds of thoughts are regulars in your mind? What have you been focused on lately? Don’t be surprised if you focus your mind on something and a few months later, that same thing just happens to appear in your life. Nothing is a coincidence here. Remember that the interwoven fabric of reality is extremely complex and not something that we understand right now. While we might not know how it works in the background, we do know the rules of the game. Here they are. If you have constant negative thoughts, you will be creating more negativity or more of that which you are putting negative emotion into. And if you have constant positive or uplifting thoughts and emotions, you will create more joy in your life. Beautiful things will fill your life. Prosperity, success, meaningful and healthy relationships. Your imagination is the limit here. The challenge for this article is this: are you willing to release resentments, hurt, complaining and all other negative habits and instead embrace positive and uplifting thoughts? Throw in lots of positive emotions to add an extra boost!